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WinEdt 單機學生版(下載版) - a powerful and versatile all-purpose text editor for Windows!

#WinEdt is a powerful and versatile #ASCII editor and #shell for MS #Windows with a strong predisposition towards the creation of #[La]TeX documents.WinEdt is used as a front-end for compilers and typesetting systems, such as #TeX, #HTML or #NSIS.

建議售價 $2990
一次付清特價 62 折 1880
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WinEdt is a powerful and versatile text editor for Windows, with a strong predisposition towards the creation of [La]TeX documents. Do not, however, mistake WinEdt itself for a TeX system! You'll have to download and install a (free) TeX system for Windows (MiKTeX, or TeX Live). The Downloads page of this site has more information on WinEdt, TeX, and links to other programs needed to make TeX operational on the Windows platform. The new Quick Guide should be consulted for hints on proper installation and optimum operation of the program...

As an editor WinEdt allows you to exploit its intuitive predefined interface and graphic controls (all customizable). If you are not too keen on the mouse interface, don't worry: WinEdt also offers the means to customize its keyboard interface, allowing you to use double keystroke shortcuts that can be associated with any menu item...

WinEdt is by default configured to run as a front end for MiKTeX or TeX Live. However, it is quite straightforward to define a completely different set of accessories. By default, Options -> Configurations Menu already contains a few alternative configurations.

WinEdt's Menu contains plenty of useful commands, and many are associated with Shortcuts. It is strongly recommended that you take your time and "walk" through the menu. If you don't know what is there you won't know how to use it. For example, it is easy to move a selected block of text left or right or insert or remove comments in front of selected lines. It also easy to toggle Upper/ Lower Case, etc... The default Edit menu contains items like this and the most commonly used of them are associated with simple shortcuts.

New: WinEdt 10.3

WinEdt 10.3 is now the official version of the program. It supports (customizable) auto completion and code folding, it is unicode/utf8-capable, and it integrates seamlessly with the latest accessories and TeX Systems (such as SumatraPDF viewer, MiKTeX and TeX Live). It has been extensively tested under Windows 10, 8 and 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) with different system dpi settings.

WinEdt is compatible with Windows High Contrast Schemes. It is compliant with Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act §1194.22. Furthermore, WinEdt is dpi-aware on system level: it comes with high-quality graphic resources at different sizes and at startup it automatically adjusts its GUI to high-resolution displays (without stretched or blurred graphics and text)...

This version uses the powerful Uniscribe library in order to better handle Unicode and complex language processing (including support for bidirectional text). It also contains improved integration with the latest versions of MiKTeX (including proper support for MiKTeX's "Install packages on demand" feature when running TeX accessories in WinEdt console). And there is more...

To install WinEdt 10.3 follow the link below and proceed according to the instructions:

WinEdt 10.3 [Build: 20180507]
Software Informer Editor's pick award

Important: Once installed, don't forget to check WinEdt's (updated and revised) Help and Documentation (including the new Quick Guide). A few sections in User's Guide explain how to set up your LaTeX projects in order to take full advantage of WinEdt's capabilities when it comes to navigating in large projects or collecting data for purpose of referencing and citations. If used properly WinEdt will make your TeX-ing more enjoyable by allowing you to focus on the contents of your documents while assisting you with typesetting-related tasks...

Useful Tips: WinEdt's default settings are a compromise, prepared with an average user in mind. Here is what you should know before you start customizing it to your particular needs and preferences:

  • Depending on your intended use of the program and the size of your screen you can choose from a variety of predefined (one or two-row) toolbars from the Options -> Toolbar Menu. Check them out!
  • Preferences Dialog allows you to make easy choices pertaining to Wrapping, Unicode, Backup, etc... Help in the dialog explains the meaning of all available options.
  • Execution Modes Dialog (Options Menu) can be used to fine-tune or diagnose/troubleshoot WinEdt's integration with your TeX System and other accessories. The dialog comes with an extensive context-sensitive help that will guide you (if necessary).
  • Before you start customizing WinEdt's Configuration Scripts (Options Interface), please read the first page of the Configuration Manual in WinEdt's Help (F1). Neglecting to follow this advice and assuming that your customizations are processed upon restarting WinEdt will result in unnecessary and self-inflicted frustration!

最新試用版本立即下載 >>

New: WinEdt 10.3

Software Informer Virus Free award

To install WinEdt 10.3 click on the link below and follow the instructions:

  • WinEdt 10.3 (64-bit) [Build: 20180507] (winedt103-64.exe 9.2 MB)
  • WinEdt 10.3 (32-bit) [Build: 20180507] (winedt103-32.exe 8.9 MB)

  • Quick Guide

    You are strongly advised to take a look at the new, heavily illustrated Quick Guide. Its LaTeX sources are also available for download in a zipped archive:

  • QuickGuide.pdf  (Updated: 2017-04-13 Size: 2.3 MB)
  • QuickGuide.zip   (Updated: 2017-04-13 Size: 2.4 MB)
  • 大量授權請來信索取報價單另有優惠價格!


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    相關產品線 :


    1.WinEdt Personal license(Educational/ Business/Govt /Student)

    2.WinEdt Site License (Educational/Business/Govt)

    3.WinEdt Subscription.


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